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About Us



At Kids Avenue Early Learning Centre, we believe that the first five years of a child’s life are a time of amazing learning and growth. The role of our centre is to work alongside families – taking the time to learn what makes your child special, understanding your child’s cultural background and listening to what you want from the early education and care experience.

We hope to know you and your family, and to build supportive and positive relationships. We hope that your time at Kids Avenue is a treasured memory in your child’s formative years.


About our

PHILOSOPHY : Learning Through Play

Kids Avenue Early Learning Centre believe that children are valuable members of society. We respect and acknowledge each child as an individual learner and value their uniqueness, regardless of their age, ability, ethnicity, family composition, gender, religion or cultural background.  We aim to provide a safe, caring and homelike environment where children are able to feel comfortable, to explore their independence and be stimulated by their surroundings.

We teach children that they are one amongst many in their community and that we all have the right to belong. Each child will develop their own culture and share it with others. Sharing experiences encourages every child to feel safe, respected and supported. 

Children will learn and grow through play. We know that a child will learn most effectively when they are interested, inspired, curious and supported. Our programs encourage children to discover, ask questions, think independently and creatively, and our centre will allow for child-directed learning following on their interests.

Our educators support children to find the answers they seek. A stimulating and responsive environment where PLAY is valued and positive reinforcement and encouragement make learning possible. We encourage growth in all areas of children’s development such as physical, social, emotional, creative and intellectual development.

The children in our care are our partners in education and we learn together. Kids Avenue staff will be positive role models for the children when teaching values and concepts in everyday practice. We work as an effective team and share tasks, skills responsibilities, ideas and resources. We support and respect each other as individuals and establish open communication encouraging honesty, tact and sensitivity to the feelings of others. We will address all issues in a professional manner.

We encourage families to be involved in the centre’s program and festivities and to share their cultural heritage or celebrations with us at every opportunity or in whatever way they feel comfortable. We believe that diversity is acceptance of differences and respect for others regardless of age, ability, ethnicity, family composition, gender, religion or cultural background. Our everyday practices will reflect this belief.

"if cities are not meant for children, they are not meant for citizens either. if they are not meant for citizens ourselves - they are not cities"

Aldo Van Eyck

Happy little baby learning to walk with mother help at home. Baby growth and development

12 - 18 Months

Infant Care

Each child needs lots of love and extra special care and our infant care program provides just that for 12 – 18 month olds. Our dedicated infant room is a comfortable place filled with nurturing surroundings and loving care.

We provide each child one-on-one, small group activities, gentle play and safe exploration. It’s stimulating to the development of young minds without being overwhelming.

Each infant’s needs are different, so we have flexible routines for the children under 19 months. There are areas for relaxing, sleep and personal space and the opportunity for outdoor experiences in the fresh air. And so that you don’t miss out on all those little things that happen each day, your child has their own personal learning journal that captures their journey as it unfolds

What to Bring

  • Indoor shoes
  • Blanket
  • Diapers / Wipes
  • Sun hat / Winter hat
  • Sun screen (April to September)
  • Spare clothes
  • Mittens, snow pants, snow boots
  • Comforters
  • Any medication or cream
  • Water bottle

19 - 35 Months

Toddler Care

For a toddler the world is a magical place, full of constant learning and exploration. When caring for toddlers we help facilitate that adventure along with positive emotional guidance helping them to understand the boundaries of their independence.

We help provide structure to little lives through a consistent routine which includes free play, structured play, group times for music and language, and outdoor experiences. Our encouraging and nurturing staff are sensitive to the individual needs of each toddler’s social and emotional development. And each child has their own personal learning journal which helps you follow them on their exciting journey of self discovery.

What to Bring

  • Indoor shoes
  • Blanket
  • Diapers / Wipes
  • Sun hat / Winter hat
  • Sun screen (April to September)
  • Spare clothes
  • Mittens, snow pants, snow boots
  • Comforters
  • Any medication or cream
  • Water bottle
Cute Toddler Painting Easter Eggs
Preschool students playing with beans in kindergarten

+ 3 Years Old

PreSchool Care

As 3 year olds start coming into their own, it’s important they have time and space to explore their independence in a safe and supportive environment. In our 3 year old care program we help develop autonomy and an openness to learning. We encourage respectfulness and nurture social development skills.

Our flexible program provides lots of opportunities for individual and group learning in language, music, communications and problem solving skills. And because 3 year olds also have so much energy to burn, our exciting outdoor play areas offer plenty of room for active play. Your child will also have their own personal learning journal so you can see what they’ve been up to.

What to Bring

  • Indoor shoes
  • Blanket
  • Sun hat / Winter hat
  • Sun screen (April to September)
  • Spare clothes
  • Mittens, snow pants, snow boots
  • Comforters
  • Any medication or cream
  • Water bottle

4 - 5 Years Old

Kinder Care

Our preschool to kinder care program, with qualified educators, offers a secure and encouraging environment for children to develop autonomy, focus on respectful relationships and understand social courtesies.

We engage children with individual, small group and whole group experiences and structured group sessions for discussion times, music and language. All activities are designed to be flexible and are focussed on the learning experience rather than the academic outcome, while literacy and numeracy is introduced naturally through everyday experiences. Our 4 – 5 year old kinder program is aimed at preparing our young people for school. We focus on helping children understand and deal with their emotions, to be able to initiate friendships and develop self confidence and self esteem. We know that social and emotional readiness will assist in successful entry to school, allowing them to be effective learners.

What to Bring

  • Indoor shoes
  • Blanket
  • Sun hat / Winter hat
  • Sun screen (April to September)
  • Spare clothes
  • Mittens, snow pants, snow boots
  • Comforters
  • Any medication or cream
  • Water bottle
Group of kindergarten kids learning gardening outdoors
Book a Facility Tour

Now, we are accepting new applications for ages 1-5 years old.